Not getting sufficient warm water? Have a leaking water tank? Call 855-931-1331 for water heater repair and replacement in Ridgeway, KS.
It's never enjoyable to switch on the shower and find out you'll be bathing in ice cubes.
This is why we supply same-day water heater repair or replacement for our Ridgeway customers. We will rapidly get to the source of the problem and ensure your hot water supply is back to typical in no time!
There are several elements that can impact your water heater. Below are a few of the more common issues our clients experience.
Leaking tank: There could be water dripping out of the tank. While this will not impact the water temperature level, this is a serious problem that affects the effectiveness of your system. The leakage can be triggered by a crack in the tank (which will need an entire unit replacement) or a poorly-fitted part that can be fixed.
Damaged pilot burner: If you have a gas water heater, a lack of hot water might indicate that its pilot burner has actually gone out. We will help you identify the problem and get your water heater began again.
Defective thermostat: Electric hot water heater include a thermostat, which can limit your warm water supply if broken. We'll determine what's wrong with your thermostat and figure out if a repair work or replacement is the better solution for you.
If your water heater is over ten years old, it has likely lost much of its efficiency; continuing to repair it, with its regular breakdowns, is not cost-effective in the long run. As a result, we recommend replacing your system if it is over ten years old.
A broken or corroded tank is likewise a sign you need to change your entire system.
If you have a newer unit, a simple repair or replacing specific parts might be all that's required to get your water heater working once again.
Your water heater's durability depends upon a number of elements, such as how frequently it's utilized, how well it's maintained, and the quality of your water supply (whether you are utilizing a water softener or unattended tough water).
In general, conventional hot water heater are expected to last 7-10 years with appropriate upkeep. Check the age of the existing water heater if you're moving into a brand-new house. You do not want to move into a brand-new home only to discover you're going to have to make a significant plumbing repair work in simply a year or more.
If you're looking to save on energy expenses and would like hot water as needed, consider a tankless water heater. These systems need less maintenance and last longer (over 20 years) than the traditional water heater.
Whether you need repair or replacement, call us today at 855-931-1331 to get your complimentary water heater service estimate!
Areas We Cover Include: 66414, 66537, 66546
When Ridgeway Water Heater started in 1971, we knew that we wanted to provide not only exceptional services but outstanding customer service as well. Fast forward nearly five decades and we haven’t wavered from that commitment to put our customers first on every job.